Manual spraygun instructions

In this photo you can see 3 important parts of the sprayer: The pump system, the head of the sprayer and the air release valve.

It is recommended to sieve the glaze with a No. 100 mesh before using it, to be sure that there are no lumps that could clog the spray system. If the glaze is too thick, splashes will occur or the liquid will not come out at all. In this case, dissolve the glaze with a little water.

Pour the liquid into the container. Do not fill it completely. Up to half maximum as there must be space for pressurized air to enter. Screw the tank tightly onto the head and you are ready to spray!

Make sure you clean your spray gun thoroughly after use. Maintenance of your spray gun is simple: Make sure to rinse the bottle well, fill it with water and spray the clean water through the assembly. Leaving glaze, oxides or stains in the siphon hose, head or nozzle to dry will cause clogging in the future.